Welcome to an Open Studio Event with Anders Lind composer and sound artist and Associate Professor at the Department of Creative Studies, Umeå University.

Flashlight Piano is an interactive sound/light installation that explores the piano as an instrument and collaborative music performance practice. Embedded in the installation is an open composition, using sounds and textures from the piano as instrumentation. Flashlight Piano invites people regardless of their musical background to participate in a collaborative performance, by using their smartphone flashlights to interact with the installation. 

Anders Lind will work in the UmArts Research Studio on an interactive sound/light art installation that will be exhibited during the Autumn Lights Festival in Umeå with a premiere on October 25.

On Thursday Anders will talk about the working process, how he builds, programs, mounts sensors/electronics, calibrates technology, and tries to solve problems that arise during the process.

Read more here: https://soundslikelind.se/sound-artist

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen an increasing number of live music performances distributed over the internet, such as online concerts and choirs. The aim of Anders Lind’s project is to explore the artistic challenges and possibilities of a Home Participatory Orchestra with new forms of score and new strategies for conducting. The traditional concert hall is replaced with multiple digitally mediated spaces distributed over the network. The traditional conductor and score are replaced by web-based animated notation. Furthermore, the Home Participatory Orchestra will embrace participants regardless musical background, who will use everyday objects and their home environment as musical instruments. The project will investigate how the Home Participatory Orchestra affects the composer and performer perspective of a live music performance. In particular, experimenting with different approaches to performance instructions, to conduct a live performance in this setting.


This is an invitation to become a performer in the Home Participatory Orchestra Kitchen rehearsal. In short, the Home Participatory Orchestra will be comprised of participants performing music from their kitchens while making a fruit salad!

This is an UmArts SVP-project, by Anders Lind, composer and associate professor at the Department of Creative Studies, Umeå University. Read more about the project 

What: Rehearsal sessions with the Home Participatory Orchestra
When: 6 and 9 Dec 2021
Where: In your kitchen at your home + online using a software similar to Zoom (Deck10).
Who: People regardless gender or age + NO MUSICAL BACKGROUND REQUIRED


For participation contact project leader: Anders Lind, anders.lind@umu.se

Requirements from participators: 

  • 1 computer or tablet with built-in camera + USB microphone for the online platform
  • 1 smart phone for performance instructions presented on a web-site
  • A kitchen, utensils and ingredients for making a fruit salad

In these online kitchen jam sessions, the Home Participatory Orchestra will consist of 20 people, performing live from their kitchens over the network from different geographical locations. No specific musical background is required from the performers and everyday kitchen utensils will be used as musical instruments.

The performance will take place in real-time and online using a software (Deck10) similar to Zoom, and each performer will stream video and audio from their kitchen. It will look similar as in the “gallery view”, when multiple people are attending a meeting in zoom.  

After the session, participators will be given a survey to rank their experience of participating in the session. The sessions will be recorded and used as data within the research project. 

By participating in the rehearsal/s you agree to your recorded audio and image being used within Anders Lind’s research project. This involves the storage of your audiovisual material in compliance with GDPR. The recorded data may be used to disseminate the research in conferences, articles and other forums within the field of artistic research. However, the participators will be treated as a group/orchestra in the research and the intention is not to expose any individuals.

The aim of this project is to explore artistic challenges and possibilities shown in a novel performance concept defined as: Home Participatory Orchestra. In particular, the aim of these rehearsal sessions is to explore interpretations and responses to web-based performance instructions and conducting approaches, which will be developed and used for this performance concept.