Colloquium on Research Representations of Forests

with Malin Arnell, Dimitris Athanassiadis, Gerd Aurell, Luis Berríos Negrón, Francesco Camilli, Sofia Johansson, Toms Kokins, Eliza Maher Hasselquist, Irma Olofsson, Lars Östlund, Janina Priebe, Per Sandström, Jundan Jasmine Zhang, and invited guest Eva la Cour.

Welcome to a full-day event at Bildmuseet focused on forest research. Join us for a packed program featuring film screenings, panel discussions, and presentations offering various perspectives on the field of forest research and its representation. Free admission, with lunch and coffee provided throughout the day.


9:00 Gather in Bildmuseet reception. Lockers for coats and large bags on level 0.

9:15 – 9:45 Exhibition Walk of Eight Degrees/Contemporary Art on the Forest, with museum curator Sofia Johansson

9:45 Coffee & Tea

10:00 Welcome remarks by Ele Carpenter and Luis Berríos Negrón

10:10 – 10:30 Session 1

Svalbard, a live-narrated montage (Umeå, 2024), by Eva la Cour.

10:30 – 11:00 Session 1.5

Geo-aesthetics and Post-Future Essayism, Eva la Cour in conversation with Jundan Jasmine Zhang.

11:00 – 11:15 Pause

11:15 – 12:00 Session 2

Forests and Urbanity (presentations) moderated by Janina Priebe

With Dimitris Athanassiadis (Urban forestscapes), Francesco Camilli (Practising Wood in Architecture), and Toms Kokins (Sweden’s Timber Empire)


13:00 – 13:30 Session 2.5

Forests and Urbanity (conversation) moderated by Janina Priebe

With Dimitris Athanassiadis (Urban forestscapes), Francesco Camilli (Practising Wood in Architecture), and Toms Kokins (Sweden’s Timber Empire)

13:30 – 14:45 Session 3

Sensing Forests, moderated by Janina Priebe

With Eliza Maher Hasselquist (Capillaries of forests), Irma Olofsson (Peripheral Labour Geographies), and Per Sandström (Building bridges for reindeer! or ignoring them completely: the Svea Hovrätt court case).

14:45-15:00 Coffee and tea with fika

15:00 – 16:15 Session 4

Performing Forests with Gerd Aurell (Tree holes), Lars Östlund (Sámi sacred trees: X-marks and stones in trees), Luis Berríos Negrón (Tree nursing), concluding with “Breathing-with, an exploration through the breath of the forest” by Malin Arnell.

16:15 – 16:30 Open-ended remarks with Eva la Cour

This forest colloquium is organized alongside the exhibition Eight Degrees / Contemporary Art on the Forest in collaboration with UmArts.

As part of the UmArts community, the Geopolitics of the Forests group hosts artist and filmmaker Eva la Cour as guest presenter and respondent. Considering la Cour’s work with geoaesthetics and her “fundamental dissatisfaction with the representational discourse, and its historical and colonial legacy”, the working group will present and contrast mediations of research from our respective disciplines and perspectives in regards to forests.

The day will begin with a walk through the current Eight Degrees/Contemporary Art on the Forest exhibition at Bildmuseet as context, and an initial live narrated screening of la Cour’s recent film work. Then the group members will present in various formats, with research representation and environmental remediation as loose common concerns.

Geopolitics of the Forests is a group of scholars at UmArts who study the forest from different disciplinary perspectives. The day’s moderator and organizer is Luis Berríos Negrón, chair of the Group, Associate Professor at Umeå School of Architecture, and a Research Fellow at UmArts Research Center for Architecture, Design, and the Arts at Umeå University.

The upcoming meeting of the Geopolitics of the Forest Group will host artist and researcher Ignacio Acosta along with forest ecologist and historian Lars Östlund to discuss fires and land stewardship in the forests of Swedish Norrland. Ignacio will make a presentation based on his research focusing on “understanding Indigenous land stewardship” and “the negative impacts of the nation state disrupting traditional Indigenous ways of managing the land, where burning is one important aspect.” As expert respondent, Lars will co-moderate a follow-up conversation with Ignacio and the attending public along with group’s coordinator Clara West and chair Luis Berríos-Negrón.

Lars Östlund is Professor at SLU’s Department of Forest Ecology and Management. He is focusing on “forest history” where he works to try and understand the relationship between people and the forests from a long time perspective.

Ignacio Acosta is an artist and researcher based at Uppsala University’s Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism, working in territories under pressure from extractive industries. He leads a FORMAS funded project ‘Indigenous perspectives on forest fires, drought and climate change: Sápmi’ based at CEMFOR, Uppsala University. He is part of Traces of Nitrate, a UK AHRC funded collaborative visual research project based at the Royal College of Arts and the University of Brighton. Please see more on Ignacio’s project on forest and fires in Sápmi at:

More info on Ignacio’s research: 

  • 15.00 Welcome and introductions 
  • 15.10 Ignacio Acosta presents his research
  • 16.00 Fika/Coffee
  • 16.10 Follow-up conversation with expert respondent, Lars Östlund
  • 16.40 Discussion
  • 17.00 End

For more details contact UmArts research coordinator Clara West at

The Geopolitics of the Forest working group meets regularly to share their research on the geopolitics of the forest across art, architecture, political science and landscape ecology. The group are exploring how to develop holistic and interdisciplinary understandings of the human / forest relationship that can represent multiple, overlapping and conflicting interests. They aim to develop a shared critical space for new collaborative artistic research projects which deal with the ethical complexities of forestry in relation to the climate crisis, to reconsider the language and aesthetics of sustainability.

The meetings investigate multidisciplinary approaches to the human and nonhuman entanglements of the forest in Northern Sweden. Research questions investigate the ethical aesthetics of different kinds of woodlands and their material and geopolitical networks.

The Geopolitics of the Forest Working Group is chaired by Luis Berrios-Negron, UmArts Research Fellow in Art and Architecture. Members include: Gerd Aurell, artist; James B. Brown, architect; Sofia Johansson, curator; Toms Kokins, architect; Lars Östlund, forest historian; Edith Marie Pasquier, artist; Janina Priebe, political science; Moa Sandström, Sámi studies; Per Sandström, landscape ecologist, and many others who come to share their research, practices and ideas.