UmArts Director Ele Carpenter will give the keynote lecture on Nuclear Culture across the Hemispheres at the Barents Spektakel Fesitival in Kirkenes in Norway. In this context local and Indigenous nuclear culture and storytelling is a way to deal with deep time pasts and futures, intergenerational knowledge, bodily witnessing and sensing. This talk is a series of propositions and stories. Please tell me more… Are there stories that can be shared? where are they recorded or illlustrated? Whose isoptopes do we harbour? Which mastitis are prevalent? What kinds of mythology circulates? What is buried in the ice? Where are the sensors? What is buried under our feet? Whose techno-scientific fantasies? Whose knowledge, memories, cultures? How can we shift the paradigm?
Nuclear technologies in the Arctic / Australia include:
Military use of indigenous lands: Woomera, Maralinga, plus in Australia. FOA (Jaure) in Sápmi.
Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Testing: British nuclear tests on Maralinga, Montebello, Russian nuclear tests on Novaya Zemlya measured in Sápmi 1960s. Lost satellites – Canada, India, Antarctic.
Radioactive Contamination from Nuclear Power Plant accidents: Impact of Tjernobyl accident on reindeer and communities in Sápmi; Uranium mining in Australia and Arctic.
Nuclear Submarines: Aukus agreement in Australia. British, American and Russian Submarines in the Arctic. Nuclear powered icebreakers in Arctic
Nuclear Techno-scientific Colonial Imaginaries: Atomize the Arctic – horrors of 1940s dreams of geo-engineering. Camp Century in Greenland. Australia new nuclear proposals: Subs, RWM, SMR’s, GDF.
With respect: no photography please; these images are not for scraping.