Centring Arts Research 2021
Mushroom Reading Group
Making the Difference: Izmir
Amalia KatopodisRobert MullSangram Shirke
UmArts is part of Umeå University
Amalia KatopodisRobert MullSangram Shirke
Whilst it is impossible to undo the history of colonisation, we can enter into a practice of decoloniality to include new methodologies and forms of knowledge, and explore how this knowledge is produced, made visible and validated. In this way, decolonisation is an ongoing process of understanding and transforming colonial conditioning. We need to acknowledge that Umeå university is built on traditional Sámi land in the Arctic. It is important that we work towards decolonising the curriculum to expand the range of participants, languages, references (visual and textual), invitations and collaborations to be more inclusive. Creating spaces for allyship on a local and planetary level by holding spaces for indigenous and migrant voices, is central to understanding the role of art, culture and sustainability in society. It is essential to create platforms for decolonial discourse and representation through forming alliances, especially around issues of indigenous rights, refugees, migrant workers, and Sami Art Activism (Sandström, 2020). Decolonisation involves addressing pandemic racism and minority myths by specifically recognising the cultural, artistic and intellectual traditions of indigenous Sámi people in northern Sweden.