This new partnership with Bildmuseet is investigating practice based curating as a form of knowledge production in relation to contemporary art. Chaired by Anca Rujoiu who is currently undertaking doctoral research in the Curatorial Program at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The group brings together curators and curatorial researchers focusing on critical frameworks for curatorial practice, new curatorial methodologies, and situating curatorial knowledge in the international field.
Curatorial Research Group
Curatorial Research Group Meeting
Welcome to the first meeting of the Curatorial Research Group chaired by Anca Rujoiu who has recently started her new role as curator at Bildmuseet. The session will include an introduction to the Swedish Curators Association and a discussion of the short essay ‘On Curating: Understanding the Role of the Curator’ by Alba Baeza, available on their website.
Curatorial Research Group 1
The first meeting of the Curatorial Research Group explored:
Articulating curatorial knowledge (intellectual labour)
Recent developments in curatorial practice, post-pandemic outreach, socially engaged and context specific curatorial methodologies.
Identifying areas for development (Bildmuseet research strategy including infrastructure, UmArts partnerships and peer review)
Post-doctorial curatorial research (example approaches)